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Author Archives: Campus Times Team

Campus Times Pune is an initiative taken by some enthusiastic students of Pune to entertain the "Netizens" by providing cool and trending content online. Articles from contributors who prefer keeping their identity anonymous, are published under our authorship. You can contact us with your articles by sending them to "[email protected]"

Celebrating Success: Reflecting on AVYANNA-2024

As the curtains draw to a close and the echoes of laughter and applause fade into the night, it’s time to reflect on the resounding success of our college fest-AVYANNA 24’. With hearts full of pride and memories that will last a lifetime, we can confidently say that our fest went exceptionally well, exceeding all expectations and leaving an indelible mark on everyone who attended. Behind every successful college fest ...

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Best Places to Visit Near Pune For A Weekend Summer Trip with Friends and Family

Summer Weekend Trip Places in Pune

As summer approaches with sweltering heat waves, it’s time to arrange a staycation at a cooler location near Pune City, the nearest gateway away from the heat. Here is a list of some of the most lovely spots to visit if you need a break from the hustle and bustle of city life. Explore Best Places Near Pune For A Summer Trip: 1.Lonavala and Khandala Khandala is a hill station ...

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