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Know the Speakers of TEDx PICT 2016 taking place on 1st Oct in Pune

Every once in a while, people come up with something amazing – something which could potentially change the world – and could make all the difference between today and tomorrow. Think of the wheel – the reason you can get around – or electricity, the reason you are able to read this article.

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We are made to be creative – to find ways around the simplest or the most complex of problems. We are ideators because ideas are the ultimate fuel for human imagination. In the past, ideas would be propagated slowly, by word of mouth, journals and newspapers. But as technology progressed, we shifted to internet articles and videos.


But even then, ideas had more of a “personal” feel to them. 
There was obviously a need for collaboration, for people to work on the ideas as a group and to work towards a common goal. That was when TED came into the picture. What started out as a “conference of ideas” in 1984 evolved into a bunch of different independently organized events across the globe – what came to be known today as TEDx. A concept that has now become ubiquitous.

Recommended – Know the speakers of TEDxPune 2016

What does TED stand for?


TED and TEDx talks focus on core ideas – perspectives that you’ve missed out on, approaches that you’ve discarded as being too complicated or opinions that you probably formulated based on biased views. 
TED talks have the amazing ability to develop you as a person and radically change the way you look at the world.

What is TEDx PICT

TEDx PICT is based on the same objectives as TED. It derives from the same core principles – of propagating ideas, of bringing together people who can and who will change the world. Maybe not immediately, maybe not today, but ideas are powerful. And one day, somebody will work on yours, and somebody will help you change the world forever.


READ ALSO – All about the theme of TEDx PICT 2016

At our event on the 1st of October, we will be providing tickets to the best of applicants. You couldn’t secure a ticket? Don’t worry about it. Just keep an eye out on the TEDx PICT website for information regarding our live webcast! But wait, who are our speakers? What captivating ideas do they have and how can they affect you? Here’s a little overview on some of them…

Speakers of TEDx PICT 2016

Suvinay Damle has become a household name for people living in Kudal, a village 350 kms away from Pune. Dr. Damle is an Ayurvedic doctor by profession. He got the idea for starting the barter system 20 years ago when a 70 year old lady gave him a broomstick worth 150/- when she couldn’t afford the medical fees for her treatment.

Image Source: TEDx PICT | Facebook Page

Since then, Dr Damle has taken goods from patients in return for the treatment, without bargaining about the value of the goods. 
If you walk into his clinic you’d see pumpkins, rice bags and vegetables taking up space along with his ayurvedic concotions! At TEDx PICT, Dr. Damle would be talking on the effects the Barter System has on the economy and how it can help us shape our world.

We have, at some point or the other wondered about our universe and what lies beyond. Besides NASA and some other major space agencies in the world, very few space missions have been successful. When students from the College of Engineering, Pune decided to send a satellite to space, they let nothing come in their way.

Image Source: TEDx PICT | Facebook Page

Eight batches of students across 8 years made the SWAYAM Space Satellite dream come true. Sendhilkumar would be talking about this amazing journey of SWAYAM, and the science that made it possible.

Ritviz is Pune’s very own Producer-Singer and Songwriter. He is currently working with one of India’s leading entertainment house, OML. Since the last two years, Ritviz has seen tremendous growth in his musical career. He recently signed with Relentik Records. You’re probably thinking his talk is about music, but that’s not all…

Image Source: TEDx PICT | Facebook Page

You’ll get to see him share his perspective on music as an art, its various forms and his talk has a surprise element. Any guesses?
You can check out Ritviz’s work here.

When Janhavi Joshi, a Kathak dancer and design student saw a group of deaf dancers interpreting what their instructor was motioning them to do, she knew it wasn’t the right way to teach dance. Dance lies at the fundamentals of human emotions, and why should lack of hearing abilities become a barrier for you?

Image Source: TEDx PICT | Facebook Page

With this thought in mind, she created a device called Blee to change the way differently-abled people perceive the world.

All this and much more at TEDx PICT! Aren’t you curious to be a part of this movement? To register drop in a mail at [email protected] and leave the rest to our oompa-loompas.

You talk too much. I can't remember all of it! Give me some links to check out.

This article is a part of a trilogy. Read the previous part of it here where we reveal the secret behind this year’s theme : Mirror of Erised. And the 3rd chapter of the trilogy will be out soon.

Don’t forget to share this upcoming event details with your network. Join Campus Times Pune on FacebookGoogle+ & Twitter. Also do subscribe our YouTube Channel. Click on Push Notifications to get notified whenever we publish a post.

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