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How is the CGPA Calculated? Credits, Points, and Your Academic Score in India

Imagine your academic performance as a beautiful mosaic. Each piece, representing a course, contributes to the overall picture. But how do we measure the value of each piece?

CGPA means Cumulative Grade Point Average, the Indian standard for quantifying your academic journey. Understanding this system requires deciphering two key concepts: credits and credit points and how they match their correspondence with the absolute percentage you have attained in your academic term.

So, let’s dive straight into it and make this tedious task of calculation very easy to understand for your pea brain (sorry).

Understanding Credits

Think of credits as the amount of money you invest in a course. A Four-credit course demands more dedication than a Two-credit one and that’s just not in difficulty but in the amount of brainpower you would invest in the course. Typically, universities allot credits based on:

  • Contact hours:
    Number of hours you are taught the course in
  • Self-study hours:
    Independent learning is expected.
  • How hard the course:
    Advanced and difficult-to-understand courses often carry more credits.

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Understanding Credit Points

Now, imagine grades as the quality of your mosaic piece. An A+ shines brighter than a C. But how do we quantify the amount of shine? Credit points bridge the gap! Each grade has a corresponding pointer, if we take the University of Pune’s example then for their system:

90-100 = 10 grade pointer = O grade
80-90 = 9 grade points = A+ grade
70-80 = 8 grade points = A grade
60-70 = 7 Grade points = B+ grade

And so on…..

Then credit points are the grade points you have earned for a particular course multiplied by the amount of credits the course is for. Basically –

Credit points = Grade points * Credits for that particular course



Here’s where the magic happens! Your CGPA represents the average of all your credit points across all courses. It’s calculated by:

    1. Multiplying each grade by its credit value.
    2. Adding up all the products.
    3. Dividing the sum by the total number of credit points.

For example, let’s say you have a 4-credit course with an A (9 points) and a 2-credit course with a B+ (8 points). Your total credit points would be:

(4 * 9) + (2 * 8) = 44

With a total of 6 credits, your CGPA would be: 44 / 6 = 7.33

So what does your CGPA mean as a whole and how is it important for you?

A higher CGPA indicates stronger academic performance. Generally, in India:

• 9-10: Exceptional
• 8-9: Very good
• 7-8: Good
• 6-7: Average
• Below 6: Needs improvement

Remember though, that’s all bullshit! The only reason why CG is important for you is for grabbing internships and placements.

Generally, it is widely accepted in India that 7.5 to 8 is a safe CGPA for grabbing almost 95% of companies while in placements, for ‘dream’ companies 8.5+ would be a safe measure. It’s also important to note that if you aim for academia or research internships always aim for as high a CG as possible.

In conclusion, understanding the CGPA system requires grasping the interplay of credits and credit points. By demystifying these concepts, you can assess your academic progress and set goals for your future mosaic masterpiece!

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